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Browsing Privacy – A Matter of Life or Death? Scoble vs Shetty

On the eve of the most polarizing United States Presidential election in my life, I was in Lisbon, watching a debate. It was between tech blogger Robert Scoble, donning goofy-looking virtual reality glasses. And on the opposite end of the stage, a serious and well-spoken Shalil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International. They were debating…

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We’re Crowdsourcing the Design of a Killer Feature

We’re working on some pretty cool stuff. We wanted to let you know what’s coming down the pipe and let you know that we’ve decided to crowdsource the feature design. We’ll be sharing wireframes, feature ideas and even getting some votes on naming the new features. If you would like to participate, let us know…

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Automagically Supercharge Your Productivity

Automagically Supercharge Your Productivity

Are you exhausted of logging in & out websites to switch accounts? If you are as much as we are, you’re going to love the new Ghost Groups. It works like this: each colored set of tabs is a different group. And each group has it’s own cookie jar. This means you can be logged…

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Using Ghost Browser to Speed Up SumoMe Installation

I like to practice what I preach and using Ghost Browser as your every day browser is something that I preach for all tech professionals. Here’s why. After being on their email list for over a year without buying, I finally took the plunge into testing out the massive suite of marketing apps offered by…

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