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Introducing: Web3 Multi-Accounting on Ghost Browser

Manage Multiple Web3 Identities with Ease and Total Isolation

Have you ever wanted to use multiple Web3 accounts at the same time without constantly switching back and forth? Us too! That’s why we released Multi-Extension, a new feature that ignites Web3 Multi-Accounting in Ghost Browser.

Ghost Browser was devised during the Web 2.0 era as a way for you to manage multiple accounts on the same web site without cookies or browser fingerprints being crossed. We built a cool Multi-Accounting Identity Manager to help you keep this all organized. We even built Ghost Proxy Control so you can run all of the accounts through different proxy IP addresses.

But the world has changed and the old username and password is not the wave of the future. With the advent of Web3 we now log into web sites with wallets. Wait….what!?

We don’t make the rules, but we are all playing by them now. So Ghost Browser is evolving too.

Web3 Multi-Accounting with Ghost Browser

In March of 2024 we released Multi-Extensions, which expands Ghost Browser’s multiple identities functionality to allow for separate Chrome extensions per Identity. That means you can now run multiple instances of the same extension at the same time. As is the case with our browser tabs, the extensions instances will run in a way that they are isolated from each other.

Here’s what it looks like when you run MetaMask through Multi-Extension.

MetaMask Multi-Accounting

And even though we have four instances of MetaMask running in the image below, Uniswap can only see the accounts linked to the instance in that pink Identity. It is unaware of the purple, yellow or brown Identity.

Web3 Multi-Accounting with MetaMask on Uniswap.

Pretty great eh?! And the set up is super simple. Just turn the feature on in the settings and multiple instances will be created automatically in each of your permanent Identities.

Integrated Web3 Wallets

As of our May 2024 release, we have now integrated the following Web3 Wallet extensions:

Coinbase MetaMask, Phantom, Trust Wallet, Polkadot.js, Coinbase Wallet, Keplr and Math Wallet. If you would like other wallets integrated, please let us know!

Who is Web3 Multi-Accounting for?

There are a lot of uses for this Web3 Multi-accounting feature. If you already know how you’ll use it and want to give it a spin, learn how to set it up in about two minutes.

This feature can be used for a variety of purposes. Similar to multi-accounting in Web 2.0, many Web3 users have multiple different roles in life that they need to manage in their Web3 lives. Take an entrepreneur for example. You might have personal wallets that you don’t want anyone to know about, wallets that you use to conduct activity as an entrepreneur and wallets that you have for your various products or businesses.

Other people who might need web3 Multi-Accounting features include anyone building for Web3 including designers, developers, QA testers, customer support teams, marketers and anyone doing sales demos; crypto traders and investors with multiple wallets; anyone who wants to keep their personal life separate from their work life; even people who want to keep silos around the different social circles they are in.

The need to keep these wallets separate and private is not only convenient but a part of your security responsibility since you are now your own bank. Remember, with Web3, we are logging into web sites with Wallets now!

Web3 developers, QA testers and other stakeholders must have multiple accounts just to build and market their own products. Take the recurring crypto payment platform, for example. It requires that Merchants be able to add accounts. But the merchants’ customers also need different accounts with different data and information displayed. Further, the Recurrable team has its own admin areas it needs to authenticate with using MetaMask.

That’s three different Identities you need just to build, test and market the basic functions. However, the need for multi-accounting grows when you consider that you need to test users with different settings and at different stages of their account lifecycle and all of the other factors that need to be tested.

This can all be very tedious if you are managing these users from one instance of MetaMask. With Multi-Extension in Ghost Browser, however, this Web3 Multi-Accounting is very easy. Switching Accounts is as easy as switching to a different tab so you can see any code changes from all account types with a simple page refresh.

Web3 Multi-Accounting Made Easy

And if you are a crypto trader or investor, you can already see the value of Web3 Multi-Accounting in the image above. Many traders and investors have multiple wallet accounts for different portfolios and if you need to take action on a position quickly, you can now do that for all of your accounts. There is no faster way to manually make trades on multiple accounts than if you are already logged in to your different wallets.

Web3 Multi-accounting can also be used for Web3 games (when it’s allowed), Multiverse Identities and more. As the dreams of Web3 start to come to fruition, the possibilities will become more and more limitless.

To step into the world of Web3 Multi-Accounting, just download Ghost Browser and follow the instructions to setup Multi-Accounting with MetaMask. The Multi-Extension plan is offered for free during our beta period so try it today!

1 Comment

  1. […] note that in the initial release, the only extension this works for is MetaMask. This allows for Web3 multi-accounting with sites that allow for MetaMask authentication. Read more about it […]

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