If you are interested in helping support the Ghost Browser project with a testimonial, first and foremost, thank you, thank you, thank you! Your support is greatly appreciated. We like authenticity, so we ask that you agree to allow us to publish your name, title and company. As a special thanks, we'll link to your company page or social profile from our site! If you prefer anonymity, that's cool. We still want to hear from you. Please send us a note here. Name* First Last Role / Title*Company Name*Email*We won't publish this...it's just so we can follow up if we have questions. Website (optional)Please enter the URL you want us to link to! It can be your site or a social media profile. Answer as many or as few of these questions as you'd like. TestimonialWhat are your favorite features of the browser and how have they impacted you as a technology professional?Did you have doubts about whether or not you wanted to pay for a web browser?Did you have doubts about whether or not you wanted to pay for a web browser? Now that you are a premium subscriber how do you feel about any doubts you may have had?Now that you are a premium subscriber how do you feel about any doubts you may have had?Upload a PhotoShare that gorgeous smile with us! (Or enter a link to a photo that is somewhere online, below). Hi Res please!Max. file size: 100 MB.WebsiteURL to a hi-res profile photo. Can we publish your submission?*We don't want to publish anything without your permission. Can we publish your name, title, company photo and comments (we'll might edit them down a bit for space reasons)? Yes, you can publish it all! * I consent to my submitted data being collected and stored Δ